Tuesday, November 1, 2011

New Life, Birthday's and "The Least of These"

This past Sunday, October 30th, if I am not mistaken, we had our youngest visitor at three weeks of age!  Families are being united, relationships are being formed and friendships are deepening every Sunday at Nothing Lost Outreach

Pastor Josh from Klondike Baptist Church led us not only in our Praise and Worship time, but also in our preaching!  He gave a POWERFUL word from Luke 19:1-10.  We are reminded in these scriptures that those hated and despised were loved; oh so much by Christ.  We are reminded that there is nothing, ever, that we can do that will cause God to not want to have a relationship with us. 

As I am typing the words, "least of these," continue to permeate my heart.   In Matthew 25:31-36 we are reminded of the words from Christ about clothing and feeding, the "least of these."  Keith Green performed a song called, The Sheep And The Goats.  One of my favorite songs.  I encourage you to listen to it.

Pastor Josh showed us that the "least of these," does not say the homeless and the poor; but those hungry and thirsty and needing clothing!  My friend, it is not only the homeless and poor that need Jesus, BUT the rich and powerful as well!  All of us!  Whew!  Oh the lies satan tells when one is convinced that money will change everything!

We must open our eyes and seize every opportunity to serve . . . even (especially) those to whom we can gain nothing in return.  Oh the peace and joy one can have, when serving with a heart like that!

Wow!  Reviewing my notes and reflecting on the message just refreshes this soul!

The following are some photos of our guests and volunteers. 

Pray for them this week.  You don't have to know their names; God already does.

(I just love this one!)

 Sunday was Paula's birthday!
She turned 48 years old! 

Happy Birthday, Paula!

To sum up Pastor Josh's sermon, he quoted  John Newton, song writer of Amazing Grace.  "I am a great sinner, but Jesus is a greater Savior."  Oh, indeed He is!

I don't care what you've done; He loves you.  He can give you a new life.  Come to Him.  Know Him.  Experience life to the fullest.

God Bless.

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